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Sejarah Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Pdf

. Abstract Islam is trans-regional by nature. Historically, Muslims travelled around the world for the requirements of Islam. Muslims moved from one region to another not only for business purposes, but also for pilgrimages (the hajj and the umrah), marriage and missionary work, and to seek knowledge. Especially for the purpose of seeking Islamic knowledge or ’ulum shari’iyah, millions of Muslims have travelled around the world.

  1. Sejarah Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Pdf Indonesia
  2. Sejarah Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Pdf 2017

Ulama, or Islamic scholars, are products of such itinerancy for learning. Many of them even migrated to other regions and cultivated juniors, and ulama thus formed a trans-regional network for Islamic learning.

Sejarah Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Pdf Indonesia


As a result of the large-scale movement of Muslims between regions, not only Islamic knowledge but also trends such as lifestyles and political thought were exchanged. When we discuss the international movement of Muslims and their interactions in the contemporary age of globalization, it is meaningful to focus on the fact that the movement of Muslims to seek Islamic knowledge is still significant, and the scale of this movement is increasing dramatically. Without studying the historical movement of Muslims between regions, it is difficult to understand the interactions of Muslims in the world today. This article discusses the network of Islamic learning formed by ulama from the Malay Peninsula and its impact on the political arena in Malaysia through the Islamic Party of Malaysia (Parti Islam SeMalaysia: PAS).

Buku ini berisi ulasan ideologi politik Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). Penulis berupaya mengangkat substansi ideologis PKS yang disemai oleh Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia dan kemudian disempurnakan oleh pemikiran dari mesir (Ikhwanul Muslimin).

Sejarah Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Pdf 2017

Dalam rangka menjawab pertanyaan besar itu penulis membahas satu persatu dimulai dari sejarah mengenai PKS, Ideologi PKS yang ter Buku ini berisi ulasan ideologi politik Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). Penulis berupaya mengangkat substansi ideologis PKS yang disemai oleh Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia dan kemudian disempurnakan oleh pemikiran dari mesir (Ikhwanul Muslimin). Dalam rangka menjawab pertanyaan besar itu penulis membahas satu persatu dimulai dari sejarah mengenai PKS, Ideologi PKS yang terpengaruhi oleh Masyumi dan IM, Ideologi IM dalam PKS, paham keagamaan PKS, pandangan PKS terhadap konsep nation state, dan sistem kaderisasi PKS.