40's And 50's Tv Shows
The Fabulous Fifties: An era of identical filled with, apron-clad. All the men, all the girls, and all the boys. Parents and only kiss each other on the cheek. Anyone who isn't any of these characters are either, gas station attendants, or (who, in this era, wouldn't be caught dead in a rhinestone jumpsuit).
With the exception of the gas station attendants, everyone on that list is a direct threat to the upright morals and values of the era and will not be afforded a spot in the basement bomb shelter when the drop. Meanwhile, and the burgeoning stride across America, slowed down only by the occasional. Took place in this era, to the horror of, which also showed a resurgence in popularity. At least that's the popular view of the real Fifties. In media, there are three versions of The Fifties. The first is the Fifties Fifties, i.e.
How the time was portrayed in works that were actually made then. In this version, The Fifties were a suburban paradise where everyone was always happy, either forgetting the that happened during or reminiscing the of previous decades, and there were no problems except for all those running around. Unless the local college had some commies spreading un-American values.
The fifties uptightness was linked to real world anxieties and atom-bomb jitters, after all. Don't expect the civil rights movement to show up.
Hell, seeing actual black people is a bit of a crapshoot. The Fifties Fifties are in contemporary times a popular subject of. Advertising. Advertising campaign began in 1957. Anime & Manga. The Manga character first appeared in November, 1950.
Series started in 1959. Comic Books. Series started in 1929. Series began in 1938. Series began in 1938.
Series began in 1941. Series began in 1945. Series began in 1946. First appeared in September, 1946.
Series began in 1947. Series began in 1947. First appeared in 1951. The Junior Woodchucks. First appeared in February, 1951.
The Beagle Boys. First appeared in November, 1952. Gyro Gearloose.
First appeared in May, 1952. April, May and June. First appeared in February, 1953. Glittering Goldie O'Gilt. First appeared in March, 1953.
Flintheart Glomgold. First appeared in September, 1956. Little Helper.
First appeared in September, 1956. Argus McSwine. First appeared in July, 1957. Grandpa Beagle/Blackheart Beagle.
Based on two different depictions of the Beagle Boys' founder. Blackheart Beagle. First appeared in August, 1957. Grandpa Beagle. First appeared in March, 1958.
General Snozzie. First appeared in June, 1958. First appeared in March, 1951. Midge Klump. First appeared in April, 1951. Miss Bernice Beazley.
First appeared in July, 1958. originally started as a comic book, with it's first issue debuting in August, 1952. It later converted to a magazine format by issue twenty-four in order to appease Harvey Kurtzman and keep him on as editor.
First appeared in August-September, 1952. First appeared in September, 1953. /Albert Malik is established as a Communist agent. First appeared (in this role) in December, 1953. First appeared in May, 1954. Scuttle/Weasel. First appeared in February, 1957.
First appeared in March, 1955. First appeared in October 30, 1955. First appeared in November, 1955. Comic launched in February, 1953. Comic launched in January, 1956.
/Kathy Kane. First appeared in July, 1956. Flash/Bartholomew 'Barry' Allen. First appeared in October, 1956. Kid Flash/Wallace 'Wally' West. First appeared in December, 1959.
First appeared in 1957. First appeared in July, 1958. First appeared in October, 1958.
First appeared in November, 1958. First appeared in May 1959. /Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee Danvers. First appeared in May, 1959. Debuted in August-September, 1959. Later stories established that the Squad was founded during World War II.
/Hal Jordan. First appeared in October, 1959. First appeared September/October 1950. Comic Strips. German comic. First appeared in 1950.
Started in 1950. Started in 1950. Started in 1951.
Started in 1951. Started 1954. Started 1954. Started in 1957.
Films — Live-Action. See also. The golden age of Science Fiction films, including:. (1951), a film about the human race being punished for the foolishness of the. (1956), a horror movie (with at least one good remake in ) about. made his name threatening the status quo as a bikers in:. (1953).
(1954). The film series started in 1954. made his name threatening the status quo as a greaser in (1955). Several films by, including (1955), the film that. A lot of.
(1957). (1957). It came from Planet Arous. With a taste for Earth Women!. (1957).
(1965) is a remake of the above. (1959).
(1993) features MANT!, a. It is a thinly-veiled expy of 3-D / Smell-O-Vision novelty maestro. WARNING: Not responsible for any occurances of sudden death by FRIGHT!. (1998) is a. Literature. See also: Live-Action TV. See Music.
See Music Genres That Started in the Fifties. Exotica. Radio. Theater. See: Pro Wrestling. Debuted in 1958.
Debuted in 1953. Debuted in 1951. Debuted in 1955. Debuted in November 1949, made his TV debut in Chicago in 1954. Debuted in 1954. Debuted in 1950, won the NWA Women's Championship in September 1956, from which descends the lineage of the WWF/E Women's Championship. Debuted in 1953.
Debuted in 1949. Debuted in 1953. Debuted in pro wrestling in the decade. Debuted in the early 1950s. Debuted in 1959. Debuted in 1959. Debuted in 1951.
Debuted in 1959. Debuted in 1957. Formed in 1957. Fritz debuted in 1953. Established in 1952/1953 (but called 'Capitol Wrestling Corporation' until 1963). Video Games.
Created in 1952. Created in 1958. Western Animation. became popular, first as a stylistic choice, reflecting the, and only later as a cost-saving measure. UPA Studios produced:. (1953).
(1953). and other animated shorts still appeared in theatres,. Despite that most cartoon studios were in decline during this decade, reached its heyday under the direction of, as their most acclaimed shorts came out in the Fifties (though only three years into the next decade and the studio would be shut down). (1950). (1950). (1951).
(1951). (1952). (1952).
(1953). (1953). (1953). (1955). (1957). (1957). (1957).
MGM was another cartoon studio that was still going strong through most of the Fifties, though they began to cut more corners and use more as time went on, to the point where the later shorts look a lot like Hanna-Barbera's 1960s television work (they were both done by the same people). (1952). began as studios used the techniques of limited animation as an excuse to crank out productions faster. Many Dark Age TV shows through the depicted a straight out of, with the rare subversive cartoon (including fifties animated shorts, that hadn't been told what the decade was about.). (1950). debuted in 1950. debuted in 1950.
debuted in 1953. debuted in August 1953. debuted in December 1953. debuted in 1955.
debuted in 1956. Received his own series in 1957. debuted in 1957. debuted in 1958. debuted in 1959. debuted in 1959. The studio was launched in this period and created some of its earliest characters:.
(the first animated series made specifically for television). Comic Books. #171 (January 1971) saw his time era moved from being stuck in to 15 or so years behind the then-present. Thus, 70s Superboy stories often featured nostalgic 1950s elements ( interested in hula hoops, Clark pondering rock and roll, etc.). Films — Live-Action., though technically set in 1962. The version of 1955 seen in the films has elements of both the Nostalgic Fifties and the Historical Fifties, but seems to generally lean more in the direction of the Nostalgic Fifties.
The John Waters movie is more like an of the fifties and juvenile delinquent movies, but it still counts. The films making up mimic the aesthetics of 1950s and many of them are set during the 1950s as well. (technically 1960, but it might as well still be the '50s). is bit more complicated than some on this list, in that it is both a rather bittersweet version of the period and one set unusually early (in 1951) which means it predates a lot of the standard decade tropes like or B-Movies. It's also set in a in rural Texas, placing it at some remove from the middle-class 'mainstream' of the era. (The teen characters listen to country and western songs and watch cowboy flicks!).
The movies were a particularly sex-crazed version, or maybe just riding the coattails of a Seventies trend. Though the decade is never properly defined, is set in a kind of alternate-history Fifties where a nearly wiped out humanity approximately twenty years before, and survivors live in fortress-like surrounded by zombiefied wasteland. (1993), though technically set in 1962 during the, attempts to pinpoint on film the moment when a town full of adorable scamps and left and entered. It's a very rendition, complete with the protagonist's bratty younger brother who is obsessed with and carries around die-cast pistols everywhere, 'the in poodle skirt' who his best friend is afraid to ask out to the dance, and the love interest's 'abusive greaser ex-boyfriend'. is a hilarious greaser movie. (set in 1959 and featuring an all-star soundtrack) attempts to do the same thing (mark the transition from The Fifties to the Sixties, from Innocence to Experience) on a smaller scale, reflecting the coming of age of four Maine Oregon youths ( director and author )., an short story by is set in a post- United States where the government maintains a facade of as deliberate policy so people can avoid thinking about how it's a in reality.
A in the 2002 Australian comedy Crackerjack about the elderly members of a lawn bowls club. 'We tried that before, and everyone dressed like the Fifties.' ., about a small-town high school basketball team in early '50s Indiana, employs a subtler version of this than most films., set behind the scenes at a live television in 1954 and centering around a fictionalized version of, sort of straddles the line between the Nostalgic and Historical depictions of the era.
Live-Action TV.: home of Fonzie, America's favorite greaser!.: Spun off from Happy Days. Both shows had technically moved into by the time they ended. Brooklyn Bridge.: In the 'Regional Holiday Music' episode, Troy and Abed lure Pierce into the glee club with their song 'Baby Boomer Santa'. 'And when the commies gave the polio to Doris Day Santa helped the Beatles chase McCarthy away' Music., written and recorded by Don McLean in 1971, is in part a nostalgic look back at the more innocent music and culture of his youth in the 1950s. And, of course, memorializing 's plane crash in '. 'Crocodile Rock',. Pinballs., complete with and transplanted characters.
is centered around teens attending a drive-in, complete with hits on the radio, stealing kisses in the car, and the Creature IN 3D! Quite possibly the of the Nostalgic Fifties, having been written in 1960., of course. is another combination of the nostalgic and historical fifties.
It's a, but it's also a drama about an in a segregated America. Comic Books. A about a feline private detective. The series features a -influenced version of the 1950s.
But the storylines feature interracial violence, racial discrimination (based on fur color), the, and McCarthy-style persecution of leftist intellectuals. The classic superheroes of DC set in an era of McCarthyism, and tensions. Films — Animation. The first part of the takes place in 1955, which coincides with the collapse of. Films — Live-Action.: Made in 2006, set in the early part of the decade.: Made in 2003, part of the film is set during.: Made in 1996, set somewhere in this decade.: Made in 2006, the last part of the film takes place in 1956 and concludes during the beginning of the Suez crisis., a historical thriller about the trial of a Soviet spy in America, while at the same time an American spy is captured in the USSR.: Made in 2013, the eponymous protagonist gets hired in 1957 during 's presidency. is a lesbian romance set in 1952. Earlier than most examples, as it was made in the mid-eighties, but the Fifties of the movie revolves around the post-WWII/early politics of that decade, which it plays for laughs.
is a lesbian romance set in 1959.: Made in 1994, story kicks off in 1952 when 's career is beginning to take off.: Made in 2006, set in an alternate 1950s. A comedy-drama about the Hollywood blacklist era in the early part of the decade.: Made in 2014, part of the film takes place in 1956. A true story about Edward R.
Murrow, the out to expose the hypocrisy of , who preyed upon Americans' for his own political gain.: Made in 2014, mainly takes place in 1952.: Made in 1997, set in the early part of the decade.: Made in 2012, the story is about a veteran who's having PTSD a decade after the event. About the rigging of the game show.
A great wardrobe and a nice kitchen are no substitute for one's soul in a. is set in the fifties, as evidenced by the 'uncivilized' rock music the kids listen to (that to a modern ear sound extremely boring, but to their contemporary audiences were quite wild). Also there's the rampant antisemitism for that special period touch. Literature. The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, one of the most popular and influential books in the 1950s, Trope Codified (and attacked!) the whole concept of '50s conformism., which tells the story of Jake Epping, a man from the 2010s who steps through a in order to prevent the Kennedy assassination, is partly a supernatural thriller and partly a history lesson about the time period, commenting on both the good and the bad (it helps that author grew up during this decade and would've been a teenager when the assassination took place). On the positive side, Jake finds that the food tastes better, a little money goes a longer way, the cars are more luxurious, and people are generally more polite and trusting; on the negative side, the air stinks because of the pollution from unregulated factories and, is around every corner, and everyone lives in perpetual fear of nuclear war breaking out any day., a famous novel, is set in 1957. It was first published in 1964.
Live-Action TV.: Set in 1952 Florida.: Made in 2001, parted wood tropes of the film's first half takes place in this decade. Series 1-3 are set from 1957-59 in London's East End. The first seasons of, about the first decade of Queen Elizabeth II's reign (she was crowned in 1952). Set in 1959 Australia. Set in 1957-58 Britain, the Suez Crisis is the backdrop for season one, and the /Space Race is the backdrop for season two. The fashion runs the gamut from Marnie's stereotypical skirts and pearls and Hector's grey flannel suit to Lix's Katherine Hepburn suits and Freddie's beatnik look.: The titular team to this decade quite a few times. In the first season they traveled here three times; first was in 1958, then in 1950 to prevent one of their members from being 'd, and finally back to 1958 to defeat the season's.
In Season 2, a few of them plus two traveled to 1951 to prevent an. In Season 3, they went to 1954 to fix an anachronism.: Set in during the middle part of the decade.
The show either takes places in the Historical Fifties or else in a. Set in late '50s/early '60s St. Set in the Argentine Fifties. Music. See Theater., though released in 1949, is the archetypal play about the aforementioned Man in a Grey Flannel Suit who suffers a nervous breakdown. ': The film begins with the eponymous protagonist's death in 1952 and then a series of flashbacks leading to it. Video Games.
plays in the 50s. It does however also show the dark sides of the 50s beyond, like racial segregation, corruption, the black market, slums,. Anime & Manga. The Miyazaki films and both take place in the 1950s, with the former taking place in Japan, and the latter taking place in a fictional version of Europe that wasn't devastated by World War II. takes place in 1954. Comic Books. began in this period, following the red-baiting and obscenity hysteria fueled by the publication of Dr.

Frederick Wertham's book Seduction of the Innocent, which helped end the E.C. Horror Comics catalog that had supplanted superhero comics through most of the 1950s with grotesque. The only E.C. Comic to survive was., which defied the image of '50s conformity by satiring and skewering pop culture with a countercultural.
is set in a. Somewhat skewed version of 1950s Britain.
(It doesn't help that has just happened.) Comedy., the infamous comedian who broke free of 'obscene language' taboos in the 1950s, got his start doing stand-up comedy in strip clubs in the heart of Los Angeles' middle-class suburban mecca of San Fernando Valley in the early 1950s., who themselves fit into the Historical Fifties as a result of spoofing the media conventions inherent in the Fifties Fifties. (1958) Films — Animation. is mainly a deconstruction of Fifties alien invasion movies, but it also has large dollops of nostalgia (the director was born in 1957, the year the movie was set) and delves into some of the issues of the day, particularly paranoia, as personified by Kent Mansley. Films — Live-Action.
could easily fall in several of the above categories. wound down during the Fifties, drifting into formulaic musicals, -approved thrillers, and big production numbers, leading to more adventurous directors refining their technique in romantic films and character dramas. Yes, that's right: a Fifties Hollywood blockbuster and critically acclaimed romantic film about on a cruise ship with a woman on the way to her wedding. with Charlton Heston, possibly the of the 1950s, aside from the similar.
codified the genre of film set (World War II, of course!) with a slew of films. Every boy who didn't collect baseball cards, collected toys and books about. This was also the golden age of:., the original. made his name in films as and most intense Method Actor, including:., a film about a play set in the 1930s-1940s in steamy depression-era, where he plays the sexually-threatening working class schmuck in a wife-beater shirt., a film that established the Hoboken of trope, immortalizing the town where Frank Sinatra grew up as a seedy place of gangsters and palookas and shattered dreams, verges on. 'I coulda been a contender!'
. himself proved, and codified the trope, in, a classic thriller which came out in 1962 at the end of the period. still dominated the landscape.
Classics and pics began to dominate at the end of this period as film budgets got bigger., the classic musical. (1953) the only live-action film by, possibly the most in the Fifties itself. Its child star, Tommy Rettig, went on to star in (see above). Think meets meets meets (you know.
For kids!). is set on in an indefinable period between the early 50s and the Motown era. Elevated trains rumble overhead and working-class men stumble to work in grey flannel suits. The hero and heroine dream of escaping to the pastel suburbs.
Audrey: I'll cook like / Betty Crocker / And I'll look like / Donna Reed!. is set in the same indefinable period, in a sort of comic-book version of the universe. Are, in this version of an art deco metropolis, the dominant means of communication. The film centers around the creation of the classic '50s icon the hula hoop. legitimized Japanese film in the West and created classic films which were influenced by, and in turn influenced, the development of. (1950), the original plot.
(1954), later remade as: see also. (set 1945 to 1955) and The Godfather Part II (mostly set 1958 to 1959) are set in the Fifties and are rich with period detail, but the focus is so removed from conventional depictions of the decade that is difficult to pigeonhole them. in general (see above) was inspired by the depression and urban decay of the prewar and postwar years, especially in the years 1945-1949. Which is what prompted many Americans to abandon the city in the first place.
is based the outrageous-for-its-time 1950s murder of a mother by her daughter and the girl's, but it doesn't seem make a huge deal about the era aside from the thing. looks at the rebellious youth in the Soviet Union, which was even more regimented and conservative than the U.S.A. Until the Khrushchev Thaw., produced for 's Rebel Highway series. The prologue of, where humans first try to kill Godzilla, takes place in 1954. is about a Hollywood fixer who has to rescue one of the studio's biggest stars after he is kidnapped while shooting a big called 'Hail, Caesar'. Literature.
Bill Bryson's The Life And Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, an autobiographical and historical account of 1950s and early 1960s America, when he was a child. was not only written in the 1950s, it was set in 's idea of a typical American community and helped inspire the later concept of 'dark pathology hidden behind a facade of '50s conformity'. by is a of an apparently realistic novel, written in 1959 and apparently set in 1959, but as the book goes on, the characters find apparent anomalies, such as ancient and water-damaged magazines with the previous year's date and featuring a photograph of a supposedly famous actress called ' who they've never heard of, etc. Gradually it becomes clear that the year is 1998, and a war is going on between Earth and its colonists on Mars. The hero is actually a senior military stategist who's suffered a; the military machine wants him to continue his war work, so they've preserved his stability by building a 'Fifties' Fifties small town just like the town he grew up in, complete with friends and neighbours (some of whom have been given ), where he and nearly everyone around him thinks that he's just playing and winning a newspaper competition, but in fact he's predicting Martian attacks.
by Solveig Olsson-Hultgren takes place in 1956. It has a Nostalgic Fifties look at the then current teenage culture, but the protagonist (Cecilia) is not a naive girl in a suburban paradise. Her mother is not a housewife, her father is almost out of work, and we also get a lot of Historical Fifties references to current events of the time. Live-Action TV. was made in the fifties, but it's far from 'suburban paradise': it features a married couple, who live in a crappy, cold-water walk-up apartment, can't afford a TV or a vacuum cleaner, and fight all the time.
40' S And 50' S Tv Shows 2016
This was, of course, at the time. was a that ran from the late Forties through the. While there is Fifties conformity scattered throughout the series, the show is not completely clean, showing the ugly side of society as they solve each week's crime. Was somewhat made in response to the negative view of the police force during the time period. was made in the fifties, but its first season, at least, was also far from 'suburban paradise', and not just because it was set in a major city. The first season, shot in black and white, had major influences, albeit toned down for a children's television series.
Clark Kent, although called a 'mild-mannered reporter' in the opening narration, came across much more as a hard-boiled tough guy; when he was Superman, interestingly, he came across much more as the 'big blue boy scout'. The villains were typically gangsters and hoodlums. The subsequent seasons, shot in color, were more typically Fifties-Fifties, with a more sci-fi than noir sensibility. Theater. by Eugene Ionesco, an play about stultifying conformism.
Like, everyone transforms into Kafkaesque rhinoceroses., the classic masterpiece about in a, waiting interminably for a man (friend? Supervisor?) who never comes. Video Games.
A parody of the '50s mindset with large doses of cold-war hysteria and obsession with. The series not only is a throwback to 1950s sci-fi, it also have many parodies of that time period — such as a virtual reality '50s simulator with kids and adults repeating those same phrases at the beginning of the page. It also touches on the political aspects a bit, and what little information there is about the pre-Great-War world suggests that America got so bad becoming a radioactive hellscape is actually an improvement. One of the simulations used in is Steelport set in this time. Bright, sunshiny, whimsical track. Driving is done safely, at the speed limit. And no swearing or violence.
The game's base genre is crime. No points for guessing what the Boss does when he/she is snapped out of it.

Western Animation. has no set time period, but its characters are blatant '50s' stereotypes, a lot of '50s architecture and technology is present, and there's an omnipresent theme of hiding away your sins and mistakes. deconstructs greaser culture in '50s Brooklyn. Anime & Manga. First appeared in April, 1951. First appeared in January, 1953. Set in a world.
Manga started in July, 1956. Set in the aftermath of World War II. Later adapted into. Comic Books.
First appeared in April, 1951. Series started in September, 1952.
Series started in October, 1955. Debuted in April, 1958.
Their tales were set in. Debuted in October, 1958, in a story set in the past of.
First appeared in October, 1958. First appeared in April, 1959. His series was set in World War II. First appeared in October, 1959. First appeared in October, 1959.
Comic Strips. First appeared in April, 1950. Series started in October, 1955. A spin-off of, a film set in the. Films — Animation.
(1950). Set in the nineteenth century.
Set in the Victorian era in which the book was written. Set in (although Never-Never Land appears to be stuck in some time ). Set in (if you're willing to ignore those, of course). Set, as one character admits, in 'the fourteenth century.' Films — Live-Action.
See Literature. See Live-Action TV. Theater. See: Theme Parks. (later renamed Busch Gardens Tampa) opened on March 31, 1959. (1955).: Established in 1957, centered around and Appalachian history.