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Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download

Title: Chitfund software 1 Chit Fund Company. Flowchart 2 Chit Fund Mainly Consists of 3 Parts 1. Main Branch 2. Sub Branch 3. Customer Details 3 1?

  1. Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download

Main Branch (Admin) Here you can access all the information of other branches. You can make any changes of any branch information Here you can create User ID and Password and at the same time you can edit the same. Overall branches can be maintained through this branch. It is supreme authority to make any changes of information of other branches. Sub Branch Here individual branch details will be maintained.

Only authorized person can login for the particular branch and he will not be aware of details of other branches. He can run every transaction and process smoothly without affecting any other branch. Customer Details Where individual customer can login by selecting particular branch, entering his user id and password and obtain his information regarding his personal details, Chit details, payment details i.e. Paid amount and due amount as on date, bid details etc.

4 Create Branch Branch User Branch Transaction Branch Receipt Customer Receipt 5 1 Home Page Add pictures and logo 6 2 Chit Scheme Add Chit You can add new Chit Schemes like subscription amount, number of subscribers, number of months and total chit amount. View Chit You can view Chit Schemes Details Edit Chit Schemes Chit Scheme Report 7 3 Subscriber Details Add You can add members into your database Profile You can view individual member by entering their member id and get the details of particular member at the same time you can update the data View Members You can just view all member details by alphabetical order 8 Chit Start 4 Start a Chit You can start New Chit like what will be the chit amount, duration, number of chit members, branch etc. Add New Member After start a new chit has started you can select members by entering their first character which is already stored in database. Its nothing but registration to particular Chit/Group Id.

A minimum amount will be charges for registration. View Subscriber by Chit Id After entering members into particular Chit, You can view how many members are subscribed and their subscription numbers, members id etc By Member Id By entering members name you can select particular member and you will get Chit Details where selected member is participating. Again there you can click view data to view details of chit members in particular chit id 9 4 Contd. Account Details By entering members name you can select particular member and you will get Chit details where selected member is participating. You click View Data to view details of payment history of particular member for particular chit id 10 Payment Details 5 Accept Payment Here Group No/Chit ID will be displayed. Here you have to select particular chit id and after selecting chit id drop down menu will appear, in that drop menu all the members name will display where members belongs to selected chit id. After selecting particular member name it shows the amount/balance amount to be payable, paid etc.

Next u can select payment mode whether it is cash or bank, if it is bank u have to select bank name from list and enter other details as required. Note If it is other than cash transaction, amount will be accepted as payment only after confirmation is done. You can confirm that amount is credited to your account by selecting next menu Cheque Status. Secondly if payment/installment already accepted by manually then you have to enter manual receipt number otherwise not Cheque Status When there is cheque payment then you have to confirm that cheque is honored. Then only amount will be accepted in your payment list otherwise it will be treated as due.

Payment Report by Chit Id Here you can view payment history of particular chit id along with other details 11 5 Contd. Payment Report By Member Here you view individual payment history by selecting name of a person. When you enter/select particular member, then you will find details of chit ids where member is participating and clicking particular Chit ID/Group ID you can view payment details 12 Chit Bid Details 6 Auction Advice Here you can do auction by selecting Branch, Group/Chit Id, Member and action amount. If it is first bid, automatically first bid will go to company Bid Report Here you can get bid details of particular Chit/Group. Chit Status It is option given to edit status of Chit 13 Group Auction Details 7 Add Group Bid It is for generate report to display details of next bid time, next bid timings etc, last bid amount, total bids etc.

Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download

Edit Group Bid Details You can edit the information of Group Bid Details Group Bid Details Report To display report where it contains the information of Chit/Group ID, Next Bid Date, Timings, No Bids, Last Bid amount etc. 14 8 Security Details Add Security Details After Bid you have to give security details to take bid amount. There you find pre-defined security type in drop down and there after you have to select branch, chit/group id and member name.

Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download

It will display Chit id when there is any person is entitled to receive bid amount otherwise it will not display any information Chit Award Here you have to select branch, group/chit id and members, there you will find members name. If he already has given surety details you will be allowed to enter chit award page otherwise you will be redirected to surety details for further process Chit Award Report It gives details of prized and non-prized money of every member in particular Chit/Group ID 15 Surety Report 8 Contd. Here you can get details of surety given by member Chit Award Details Report Here you will get report of Chit award details. 16 9 Receipt Details Computerized Receipts Here you can view the details of member, date of amount paid, total amount pay and others by entering computerized receipt number. Manual Receipts Here you can view the details of member, date of amount paid, total amount pay and others by entering manual receipt number. 17 Ticket Transfer Details 10 Ticket Transfer Here you can replace subscriber Ticket Transfer Details Here you will get information of about replaced subscriber.

18 SMS Alert Details 11 Send SMS by Member ID To send sms to individual member Send SMS by Group ID To send sms to all the members in a group. Send SMS to Members To send sms to all members. Send SMS to Individuals To send sms to individual other than members Send SMS to Agents To send sms to agents View SMS by Member ID To view sms sent to members 19 11 Contd. View SMS by Group No To view sms sent to particular Chit/Group ID View SMS By Date View Sent SMS by Datewise 20 Mode of Payment Details 12 Payment Mode All It displays total Receipts from all over the branches Payment Mode by Branch It displays total Receipts from individual branch. 21 13 Reports Payment History It generates report of payment list by Chit/Group wise Defaulters List It generates report of defaulters list by Chit/Group wise Defaulters List with Address It generates report of defaulters list by Chit/Group wise with address. Defaulters Pay List It generates prized and non-prized list 22 Agents 14 Add Agents Here you can enter agent details View Agents List Can view agents details and update the same time.

Agent Commission Report It generates commission details of an agent. Commission Payment to Agents You can make agents commission payments. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, is a great resource. And, best of all, most of its cool features are free and easy to use. You can use to find and download example online PowerPoint ppt presentations on just about any topic you can imagine so you can learn how to improve your own slides and presentations for free.

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Or use it to create really cool photo slideshows - with 2D and 3D transitions, animation, and your choice of music - that you can share with your Facebook friends or Google+ circles. That's all free as well! For a small fee you can get the industry's best online privacy or publicly promote your presentations and slide shows with top rankings. But aside from that it's free. We'll even convert your presentations and slide shows into the universal Flash format with all their original multimedia glory, including animation, 2D and 3D transition effects, embedded music or other audio, or even video embedded in slides. All for free.

Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download

Most of the presentations and slideshows on are free to view, many are even free to download. (You can choose whether to allow people to download your original PowerPoint presentations and photo slideshows for a fee or free or not at all.) Check out today - for FREE. There is truly something for everyone!

Features. Subscriber Ledger. Group Wise Outstanding Statements. Collection Wise Outstanding Statements. Branch Wise Outstanding Statements.


Company Wise Outstanding Statements. This Allows The User Creation As Per The Permission Given By The Admin. This Software Can Efficiently Handle Chit Details. These Can Maintain Customer Details.

These Can Maintain The Chit Taken Details Of Every Individual Customer. These Can Efficiently Handle Amount Collection Details. These Can Efficiently Handle Amount Collection Details.

These Can Efficiently Handle Amount Collection Details. These Can Efficiently Handle Amount Collection Details. Prized Subscriber List.