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Dictionary Password Txt File Download

  1. Dictionary Attack Word List Download

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Dictionary Password Txt File Download

IRC Note: if no one answers immediately, stick around and someone will read it. Recommended Subreddits:.

This question already has an answer here:. 5 answers I'm looking for dictionaries for download.

Download password list

I have found word lists from some, etc. But these lists are incomplete and do not cover word definitions and, perhaps, a thesaurus. I also know about dictionary APIs, unfortunately they either have query limitations or do not allow downloading their database. I should mention that my interest in this is strictly personal.

NOTE. I should also mention that this question is not about a program (or software), but the raw files.

I am hoping something like XML, JSON, MySQL dump, text, etc. But not necessarily limited to this. I know it's a bit to ask, but I'd like to know if such thing even exists? Is there anyone who would know where I can download en entire dictionary database, with word description, etc. (and possibly the synonyms)? As far as I know, the standard is still, which has been converted into virtually every type of list, database or system imaginable, from to and everything inbetween.

Even if you are unfamiliar with every available technology, downloading virtually any of them will include downloading the wordnet database files which are recognizable by their db file extension. If you use MS Windows, try a program called WordWeb which is simply a Graphic User Interface for Wordnet; if you use Linux, try GoldenDict, a similar GUI for Wordnet. From Linux, Unix and OSX, Wordnet can be used from the console via its Command Line Interface, usually simply called 'wordnet' or 'wn' in your software repositories. Thank you for the link.

Now, let say that I'm on Linux and that I'm quite familiar with virtually any programming environment; I have peeked inside the 'database only' tar.gz file and it seems to be in some proprietary format that I don't recognize. What I'm actually trying to accomplish to to query information using some home-made testing program, thus why I can't use an online API (because of the number of query limitation). However, I'll take a look if I can actually have some command-line tools that I can use.

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– Feb 24 '14 at 2:55. If you install the python or prolog or whatever tarball, you can do this: wn dictionary -over - that command will give you an overview of the wordnet senses of the word dictionary as follows: Overview of noun dictionary The noun dictionary has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (52) dictionary, lexicon - (a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them).

Dictionary Attack Word List Download

There are other ways to use it, but that's one of the most straightforward. Do man wn to see more option, or browse files by hand! – Feb 24 '14 at 3:37.