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Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell Download Zip

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  2. Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell Download Zip Codes

Is best known for being the singer of her voice is one of the most dynamic and exciting out there today, and now she stretches herself a bit with a country-flavored track off the Jackass 3D movie soundtrack. Her cover of ‘s “If you’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough” is a simple, three-chord song (aren’t those the best?) that includes a bit of laughter, a bit of stank, and finishes with a rousing sing-a-long.

It’s a fun listen and will probably get you hitting the “repeat” button a few times. O’s version is pretty faithful to Wade’s original it’s fun to hear her cut loose a bit and not be so serious this track just shows a different side of her that I don’t quite get in YYY’s. She’s already contributed to a few soundtracks through the years. First, there was “Cut Me Up” for, then “Backass” for, “Highway 61 Revisited” for, and lastly there’s the soundtrack. What I’m enjoying about her solo work is that her voice holds up in everything she does O never sounds out of place at all and now with this “If you’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough” cover, she shows that she can perhaps make a bit of a move towards country or more roots-oriented music. Anyhow, take a listen to “If you’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough” and sing along.

It’s just a fun song and pretty profound words to go with it. Stream courtesy of. Karen O on:. It’s another late night here. I can’t say that today was good day for Ol’ Swap and I suppose I can’t sleep because I keep replaying the events over and over in my head. Nobody likes bad days they seem to last forever and in the end they generally to amount to nothing.

But tomorrow is another day and I get another stab at it. I guess that’s all we can ever ask for. Anyhow, while I was mellowing out before bed, my iPod (set on shuffle) played this acoustic version of “Soft Shock”. I had forgotten how much I not only enjoy this song but the album it’s off of,. This record was nominated for a Best Alternative Album Grammy and made it to many a “best of 2009” lists and for good reason. I was initially hesitant on listening to it because I felt that they had changed their sound too much, but in the end it came down to the fact that there are some excellent songs there, “Soft Shock” included.

I must admit that I don’t know which version I like better. My guess is that I prefer the acoustic performance because of the mood I’m currently in ask me another day and I’ll tell you the album version destroys the acoustic one. “Soft Shock” is a beautiful song, however you play it. Take a listen below and let me know which one you favor. While you’re at it, I’d be most interested to know which you prefer in general – acoustic or electric. I do understand that it all depends on your mood, but surely one outweighs the other? For the past few years I’ve chosen the acoustic version because I feel the true song appears that way which makes me wonder why I can’t decide between these two versions of “Soft Shock.” Maybe because they’re both good sometimes I should just enjoy the music and stop making things so complicated.

Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (original version) Download: (acoustic). Like you, I get a ton of emails that go straight to my “Trash” folder. Like you, I check that folder at times just to make sure that I didn’t miss an important email. Every now and then I get an email that makes me wonder just how stupid these people think I really am. Today I got one of those emails, and I felt compelled to show it to you because it’s quite hilarious in its own right. If anybody ever falls for this, they deserve whatever comes to them.

———————- FROM: Mr. W Chan (Executive Director) Hang Seng Bank Limited 83 Des Voeux Road, Central Hong Kong SAR. It is understandable that you might be a little bit apprehensive because you do not know me but I have a Lucrative Business Proposal of mutual interest to share with you.

I got your reference in my search for someone who suits my proposed business relationship. W Chan Executive Director of Hang Seng Bank Ltd. I have an obscured business suggestion for you. I will need you to assist me in executing a business project from Hong Kong to your country.

It involves the transfer of a large sum of money. Everything concerning this transaction shall be legally done without hitch. Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.


Once the funds have been successfully transferred into your account, we shall share in the ratio to be agreed by both of us. I will prefer you reach me on my private email address below ( and finally after that I shall furnish you with more information’s about this operation. Please if you are not interested delete this email and do not hunt me because I am putting my career and the life of my family at stake with this venture. Although nothing ventured is nothing gained.Do send me the following details when responding back to me. Your Full Names: Phone and Fax: Country. Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.

Kind Regards, Mr.Patrick K. ———————— WOW. I think it’s hilarious how “everything concerning this transaction shall be legally done without hitch,” yet in the very next sentence he writes, “Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.” The best part is at the end: “do not hunt me because I am putting my career and the life of my family at stake with this venture.” Yup. That type of statement breeds confidence that everything concerning this transaction IS legal.

Good going, jerkweed. If you’ve received an email similar to this for the love of all that is pure and holy, DON’T DO IT!!!!!! If you need me to say it another way, try this DON’T DO IT!!!!!!!!! And now, here is your Sunday Song Selection Sans Significance. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: – Bruce Springsteen Download: – Junip Download: – Sarah Jarosz Download: – Phantom Kicks Download: – Bob Dylan Download: – Naked Eyes Download: – Yeah Yeah Yeahs Download: – Spoon Download: – The New Pornographers Download: – LCD Soundsystem.

Twittering has become an interesting daily experience for me. The more I check in there, the more I find that there are so many great people, great sites, and great networks available for people to connect with each other. There are times when I find it a bit overwhelming, and at times I find it a mess, but for the most part its simplicity is its strength. When I first came across Twitter, I thought it was just the same as Facebook’s “wall” section until I realized that it IS the same. That’s the secret to invention these days take a small part of another idea and make it big. Anyhow, people are constantly posting some fascinating links on Twitter links that I can’t help but peek and and think to myself, “Say, that’s a fascinating link!” I “retweet” it and hope that others have the same reaction.

So, this week, rather than simply post links and news that I’ve come across myself as I surf the web, I thought it’d be fun to post links that others have directed me to on Twitter. from Fans get to remix the new single, Peace! from Is Wilco the best band in America? After seeing Ashes of American Flags, I’m sure of it. Watch a clip and decide from Site News: Welcoming my buddy Kevin and @lifeliberty (Mel) to the ATV team. from New on MOKB (My Old Kentucky Blog): Austin City Limits Festival 2009 Lineup Announced from Passion Pit remix – The Reeling ( ), ( persona sauna) from Watch Tavis Smiley’s complete interview with Prince at @pbs from On the Road Mix No. 8 from Post #500 – Wouldn’t you love to make a mix CD and send it to me?

from Exclusive full album first listen of Conor Oberst & the Mystic Valley Band @ NPR from Try It Before You Buy It – April 28th Music Releases from Album Stream: Listen to Bob Dylan’s Together Through Life from SPRINGSTEEN UPDATE Springsteen ‘Stump the Band’ suggestions! from One Week Only: Leonard Cohen: Live in London. 26 songs (now with tracklist) and all the classics from Indie faves the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have a new album called “It’s Blitz.” Taylor Long has the Popdose review from More good indie music news: Vinyl’s making a comeback, industry pessimism be damned. from Who would have thought? Best Buy carving out more floor space for vinyl So, there you go The Most Twitterific Music Tweets EVER (for right now). If you’re on Twitter, you can follow us by clicking below. Here’s a quick mix of music inspired by a few of the above tweets.

Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: by Depeche Mode Download: by Wilco (live on the Colbert Report) Download: by Pearl Jam Download: by The Airborne Toxic Event Download: Ra Ra Riot Download: ) by Empire of the Sun Download: by Yeah Yeah Yeahs Download: by Prince (live on Jay Leno) (if you liked this article, please vote for it by clicking on the button below!). The other day I came across a couple new remixes that piqued my interest a remix of “Magificent” off U2’s new album, and a remix of “Let Love Rule (2009)” off Lenny Kravitz’ breakthrough album, which has a 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition coming out on May 19th. You can learn all the details about that release. Anyway, I’ve included those two remixes as well as an interesting selection of some other songs that have gotten the remix treatment for you today in the Dig-It section below. As I’m getting more and more into the whole remix thang, I’m starting to recognize the names and styles of some of those doing the remixing and I must say that there are some pretty talented folks out there. In some cases they can enhance a song to the point where I almost like it better than the original, and in other cases they can change up the song completely, so much so that the original song is almost unrecognizable.

Take a listen below, and you’ll see what I mean. There are remixes from Johnny Cash to Eminem Kate Bush to Depeche Mode yes, there’s a little something for everyone. Now all someone needs to do is remix “Jessie’s Girl” and the world will be a safer place. California is gonna be rockin’ this weekend!

It’s time for! For those of you not familiar with what the hell I’m talking about, it’s a three-day music and arts festival held annually in the Coachella Valley of Indio, California.

And you should SEE the line-up. Well, last month we put together a, and after the incredible response it got, and after seeing the actual line-up (I’ll say it again YOWZA!), I just had to put one together for this festival as well. Grab the mix in the Dig-It section below. For a full list of the artists performing at the festival, click. For last minute flights to California, click. For a money tree to miraculously appear in your backyard so you can afford to pay for that flight, click Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (live) – Paul McCartney – The Black Keys – Airborne Toxic Event (live at the Beacon Theatre 2-19-09) – Leonard Cohen – Conor Oberst (featuring Zooey Deschanel) – M.

Ward – Beirut (Calvin Harris Remix) – The Ting Tings (The Knox Remix) – The Killers (live 2-9-09) – TV on the Radio (featuring Lauryn Hill) – Joss Stone (live on KCRW) – Band of Horses (The Twelves Remix) – Fleet Foxes (live @ Variety Playhouse 4-1-09) – Drive-By Truckers (The Bloody Beetroots Remix) – MSTRKRFT (Live 8) – The Cure – My Bloody Valentine (Acoustic Version) – Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Peter Bjorn and John – The Gaslight Anthem – The Kills (if you liked this article, please vote for it by clicking on the button below!). Last week we the MSTRKRFT Remix of the ‘ first single off their album, “Zero”. Well, Animal Collective has given the track a makeover of its own, and their remix serves as the B-Side of a limited edition YYY’s Zero 7″. Both Animal Collective and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have released new albums this year, with Animal Collective’s being released in January, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ being released at the end of last month.

If you have both albums, take a listen to the remix below in the Dig-It section and see if you can hear Animal Collective’s influence on “Zero.” Good times. It’s definitely a textbook example of minimalism. And just for fun, we’ve also included Erol Alkin’s spin on the song. Very different approaches, as you’ll be able to hear. I’m pretty new to this whole remixing thing, so I’m not sure which I prefer. Call of duty modern warfare 3 download. Part of me wants to remain as close to the original as possible, but then again, that’s probably not the point to these versions.

Remixes are almost becoming “cover versions” of songs now very cool. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (Animal Collective Remix) Download: (Erol Alkan Rework) (if you liked this article, please vote for it by clicking on the button below!).

The performed two songs on SNL lastnight – “Zero” from their new album, and “Maps” from their amazing 2003 release,. I have to say it was great to see Karen O performing live on my TV, and it was a pleasant surprise to hear one of their “older” songs rather than two from the new album. “Maps” is such a great song. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Karen O is definitely one of the most talented female vocalists out there right now and she and the band did a great job with both songs. Check out the videos of their performances below, and if you’d like the audio as well, we’ve posted both songs in the Dig-It section for you. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (live on SNL 4-11-09) Download: (live on SNL 4-11-09) (if you liked this article, please vote for it by clicking on the button below!).

Last Saturday, French band was the musical guest on NBC’s Saturday Night Live and performed a few songs from their forthcoming album, the highly anticipated (due out May 26th). Check out video of their performances of “Lisztomania” and “1901” at the end of the post. We’ve featured their song “1901” in a couple previous posts, including a look at a remix done. I gotta say, there have been so many remixes done of this song that I can’t keep them all straight anymore does mass remixing equal a hit song?

No idea, as I’m still trying to understand the whole remix phenomenon. But today we decided to simply close our eyes and randomly select one of the remixes in our collection to post for you the winner is (drum roll, please) the Remix of “1901”.

It’s a pretty cool remix, I must say. We’ve also posted the album version of “Lisztomania” for you to check out.

Make sure to grab them both. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (Nightwaves Remix) Download: We were also excited to read today that the will be this week’s musical guest on the show. Their newest album, is finally out (officially), and it’ll be great to see them performing some songs from the album live. It’s no secret I was a bit surprised by the direction they took with the first couple songs I heard from the album, so it’ll be interesting to see how they translate into a live setting. Here’s a Remix of the first single, “Zero”, and a Remix of “Heads Will Roll” for you to chew on as you prepare for Saturday night’s appearance. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (MSTRKRFT Remix) Download: (John Roman Remix) I think it’s great that more and more indie artists are getting some coverage on Prime Time TV. Regarding the recent trend of SNL’s featuring of more indies as musical guests, SNL producer Marci Klein told in January (speaking of Arcade Fire’s appearance), “No matter how you look at it, it’s random I never know what label they’re on.

I agree that music is kinda good right now It’s a feeling you get about one of that bands that should be one of the chosen bands on our show. But I don’t look at the label, I look at the bands.” A refreshing approach. Phoenix on SNL: Lisztomania Phoenix on SNL: 1901 (if you liked this article, please vote for it by clicking on the button below!). Yeah Yeah Yeahs – It’s Blitz! (March 10th Digitally) Today’s the day!

After leak after leak, the new album, is finally available for download! I know we’ve talked about the YYY and this new album quite a bit over the last month, and hopefully by doing so we’ve gotten you to check out their music (past and present). If you missed any of our articles on the band, you can catch up. There’s a great bootleg from 2006, so if you missed it before, make sure to grab it today! The band began streaming the full album on their March 7th and premiered the music video for their first single, “Zero” on AOL yesterday. Watch the video. If you’re one who prefers the physical copy of albums, you can grab in stores on March 31st.

If your down with the download, click on the Amazon or iTunes links below to grab your download now. We’ve featured a few tracks from the album in past articles, but here’s the single “Zero” for you in case you missed it the first time around. Your Dig-It Download: Download.

Kinetic Stereokids – Kid Moves (March 17th) is set to release their sophomore album, on March 17th. The band first earned recognition playing warm-up shows in the metro Detroit area and subsequently signed to Brooklyn-based label Overdraft Recordings. After the 2007 debut full-length release, landed on the CMJ Radio 200 list, Kinetic Stereokids gained national momentum, touring from New York to Los Angeles and from Pop Montreal to SXSW. In February 2008, Kinetic Stereokids headed into Ghetto Recorders to mix Kid Moves with Detroit studio legend Jim Diamond (White Stripes, The Mooney Suzuki, The Dirtbombs). Final tweaks came from Jeff Lipton at Peerless Mastering (Arcade Fire, LCD Soundsystem, Wilco).

The result is a more sophisticated effort than, while still retaining their distinctive grit. The official video for “Have A Nice Day” has just been released. The video presents the band exploring a manipulated world of complex collages, most of which were scanned from scrapbook diaries created by Kinetic Stereokids’ frontmen Justin Ford and Mike Steibel. Check out the video below. The band is currently touring in support of the album. Grab a couple tracks from the Kid Moves album below in the Dig-It section, and then check out the band’s for more info, music, and tour dates.

Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: Download. Swan Lake – Enemy Mine (March 24th) features celebrated songwriter-mystics Daniel Bejar (of Destroyer and New Pornographers), Spencer Krug (of Sunset Rubdown and Wolf Parade) and Carey Mercer (of Frog Eyes and Blackout Beach). Together they recorded Enemy Mine, their nine-song second album, in Victoria, British Columbia, in early 2008, a little more than a year after the release of their well-received debut collaboration,.

Their second album reflects a more stripped-down, more deliberate approach to collaboration. As they say in their press release, “It’s as if they really tried to just make nice songs together. To quote Krug, “There’s architecture here.” Not that the lyric is about collaboration–it fits nicely though.” Enemy Mine will be released on March 24th, but you can pre-order the album. Once ordered you will get a code so you can download a digital copy of the full album almost immediately. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: Download: Download.

Leonard Cohen – Live in London (March 31st) Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and one of the most influential songwriters in the last 40+ years, is set to release his first album since 2004 on March 31st. In 2008 Cohen embarked on his first tour in 15 years, and due to the popularity of the concerts, the Canadian/UK tour was extended. By the end of the year it had reached 84 markets worldwide, selling more than 700,000 tickets. The release, available as a double disc CD and DVD, is said to “fully capture and recreate the extraordinary show from that tour that earned Cohen more than 80 five-star reviews for his performances”. The set for this release was from his July 17, 2008, performance at London’s 02 Arena. The set is available for pre-order now just click on the amazon and itunes links below. On February 26th NPR streamed Leonard Cohen, Live From The Beacon Theatre.

We’ve posted a couple songs from that concert below in the Dig-It section to give you an idea of what’s in store with this release. You can download the full show on. Your Dig-It Downloads: Download: (Live from The Beacon Theatre) Download: (Live from The Beacon Theatre) (if you liked this article, please vote for it by clicking on the button below!).

. Today, NYC rockers ’ beloved debut album, is being reissued in the form of a new deluxe edition. Included on the double-disc collection are fresh remasters by Stephen Marcussen, nine previously unreleased four-track demos, and eight B-sides and rarities, two of which have never before been heard. One, was shared when the reissue was announced, followed soon by the four-track demo version of. You can stream the entire thing below via Apple Music. Coming from Interscope/UMe, the box set features the remastered album pressed on 180-gram audiophile black vinyl for the first time in 10 years. The goodies don’t stop there, as the package — which awesomely comes wrapped in fishnet stockings and is limited to just 2,000 copies — also includes newspaper lyric posters with photos from guitarist Nick Zinner and folks like and Lance Bangs; a 164-page hardbound photo book with Zinner’s personal photos; and of other bonuses.


That includes a cassette featuring another three four-track demos plus a never-before-released demo called. Karen O and company really went all in, and it’s truly a “deluxe” deal befitting an album that’s become regarded as a modern classic. YYYs are scheduled to make their live comeback at music festival later this month and also have gigs at LA’s Fonda Theatre on October 25th and Brooklyn’s Kings Theatre on November 7th. For more, you can revisit the era of NYC rock that birthed Fever To Tell in Lizzy Goodman’s oral history of the period,. Also be sure to check out our list of the that shaped punk rock as well as our list of the — both of which features Fever to Tell. Fever To Tell Artwork Deluxe Reissue Artwork: Fever to Tell Deluxe Reissue Tracklist: LP 1 — Remastered Original Album: 01.

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Date With The Night 03. Black Tongue 06.

Cold Light 08. Y Control 11. Modern Romance LP 2 — Previously Unreleased Demos, plus B-sides and Rarities: 01. Date With The Night (Four Track Demo) 02. Black Tongue (Four Track Demo) 03. Pin (Four Track Demo) 04. Maps (Early Four Track Demo) 05.

Poor Song (Four Track Demo) 06. Tick (Four Track Demo) 07. Shot Down (Four Track Demo) 08. Ooh Ooh Ooh (Four Track Demo) 09.

Maps (Four Track Demo) 10. Shake It (Previously Unreleased) 11. Modern Things 13.


Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever To Tell Download Zip Codes

Graveyard 14. Shot Down 15. Boogers (Previously Unreleased) 17.