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Ost File Location

How to configure OST file size limit with ease? Depending upon your requirement, you may want to limit the OST file size so that it does not impact the performance of MS Outlook.

Graphik bold font free download. For example, the best practice is to keep the ost file size maximum up to 1 GB. OST file of above 1 GB or more may cause problems like slow Outlook, increased the chance of corruption, etc. To avoid such issues, you can configure OST file size limit by making changes in the registry entries.

Like OST file, you can also limit PST file size so that it does cause any problem in the functioning of Microsoft Outlook. MS Outlook uses PST file to store users' emails in the lost data storage file called PST, and the OST file is used to store data when the user works in the offline mode.

Let us see the process to configure OST file size limit with ease. How to configure OST file size limit with ease? In order to limit the OST fie size, there are two registry entries that need to be modified.

Those registry entries are:. MaxFileSize registry entry: This registry entry helps you to specify the maximum file size that you want for the OST file.

After reaching the maximum file size specified for the OST file, Outlook will not save further data in the OST file. WarnFileSize registry entry: This registry entry helps you to specify the OST file size limit after which Outlook will generates a warning about the OST size limit. You will not be allowed to save more data in the same OST file.

What to do when OST file reaches the maximum file size limit? When the OST file reaches the maximum file size limit specified in the registry entries, you suggest removing the emails and other data that is not important for you. By deleting that unwanted data, you will free space on the, and then Outlook will allow you to save more data on the same OST file.

How to Locate Registry Entries to Limit OST File Size? Given below are the locations of registry entries that you can modify: Location for Outlook 2010 = Outlook 2010 » HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Office 14.0 Outlook OST Location for Outlook 2007 = Outlook 2007 » HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Office 12.0 Outlook OST Location for Outlook 2003 = Outlook 2003 » HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Microsoft Office 11.0 Outlook OST. Process to configure OST file size limit: Perform the below steps to configure Outlook OST file size in registry entries:. Click the Microsoft Start button and the click RUN.

Or, after clicking the Microsoft Start button, press CTRL + R. It will open the RUN window. Type Regedit in the Run window and then click the OK You will see registry editor window.

In the left-navigation panel, click My Computer and expand it. Now, click HKEYCURRENTUSER and expand it.

Now, click Software to expand it. After this click Microsoft and expand it. Now, click Office and expand it. Click 11.0 if your version is Outlook 2003, 12.0 if your version is Outlook 2007, or 14.0 if your Outlook version is 2010. Locate OST and click it. Upon clicking OST, you will see its related option in the right-panel.

Ost File Location Office 365


Ost File Location Windows 10

Right-click MaxFileSize and select the Modify. Now, enter the maximum file size for the OST file in the Value data. Click the OK This is how you can specify the Maximum file size limit for OST. Now, if you also want to specify a size for WarnFileSize key then repeat steps 10 to 12. This time you will have to right-click the WarnFileSize key instead of MaxFileSize. You can also configure the WarnFileSize registry entry.

In case, you have configured in the WarnFileSize and WarnFileSize registry keys then upon reaching the maximum file size, MS Outlook will activate the compact function so that the useless space can be utilized to reduce the OST file size. In case, you do not see any difference and Outlook does not save any data in the OST file then do not worry. Rather try to manually remove unwanted emails, attachments, sent items, drafts, etc to free the space.

Ost File Location Outlook


October 19th, 2016 Have you heard about OST file, created in Outlook email client. In this article find out answer of What is Outlook OST file and Where is OST file located? What is Outlook OST File Outlook OST file stands for Offline Storage Table and automatically created by Microsoft Outlook in Windows OS for developing a connection with Microsoft Exchange server. OST file allows a user to use the Microsoft Exchange Cached or Offline mode, so a user can access their emails without staying connected to Microsoft Exchange server.

Whenever new emails are received by Exchange server, MS Outlook will synchronize OST file with the MS Exchange server. Outlook OST file helps a user to work in offline mode whenever internet connection or server get down or interrupt. When a user is working in an Offline mode, Microsoft Outlook created an exact copy of mailbox on Microsoft Exchange Server named as Offline folders with OST file format.


Each and every modification made while working in offline mode is automatically synchronized when MS Outlook are connected to Microsoft Exchange Server. Using the send/receive command, a user can perform send or receive functions and copy the changes which were made while working in offline mode on MS Outlook. During this process, permanently deleted Outlook OST items are removed from the MS Exchange server’s copy as well. Many users have some query about how to without connected with MS Exchange server and how to find Outlook OST file location in the local machine. Here’s the solution. Where Is OST File Located Microsoft Outlook OST file is offline storage table which stored in the local machine. Here we find out the answer of where is OST file located on a local machine in Windows and Mac OS.