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Prada Serial Number Lookup

Click to expand.No. Coach stopped putting serial numbers on the creed patch at about this time last year. There's usually a tiny white tag sewn inside a pocket that shows the style number and production codes but it's not a serial number as such. Incredibly STUPID move by Coach!

  1. Gucci Serial Number Lookup Belt
  2. Prada

Going back further, smaller accessory bags like Crossbodys, Swingpacks, 'Mini'-anythings, Demis, Pouches and others smaller than a normal size handbag often didn't have serial numbers or even creed patches. And vintage bags older than 1980 often didn't have them either. Neither did some early 1990s pebbled leather bags like Dakotas and some Sheridans. Coach stopped putting serial numbers on the creed patch at about this time last year.

There's usually a tiny white tag sewn inside a pocket that shows the style number and production codes but it's not a serial number as such. Incredibly STUPID move by Coach! Going back further, smaller accessory bags like Crossbodys, Swingpacks, 'Mini'-anythings, Demis, Pouches and others smaller than a normal size handbag often didn't have serial numbers or even creed patches. And vintage bags older than 1980 often didn't have them either. Neither did some early 1990s pebbled leather bags like Dakotas and some Sheridans. Coach stopped putting serial numbers on the creed patch at about this time last year.

Gucci Serial Number Lookup Belt

There's usually a tiny white tag sewn inside a pocket that shows the style number and production codes but it's not a serial number as such. Incredibly STUPID move by Coach! Going back further, smaller accessory bags like Crossbodys, Swingpacks, 'Mini'-anythings, Demis, Pouches and others smaller than a normal size handbag often didn't have serial numbers or even creed patches. And vintage bags older than 1980 often didn't have them either. Neither did some early 1990s pebbled leather bags like Dakotas and some Sheridans.

Authentic Prada handbags are a luxury not afforded by everyone. For those who seek the opportunity to purchase a designer item, knowing how to spot a 'good' fake from a genuine product is not going to be easy. As an eBay trading assistant I have bought and sold many expensive products over the years and I have seen my fair share of really bad replicas and some quite good ones. The point being made is that the illegal producers of products are very good at polluting our online markets with counterfeit items, masking them to be the original.

It is time to put an end to this; if we cannot ourselves stop the manufacture, at least let's educate ourselves on how to spot a fake Prada handbag, or wallet or pair of shoes for that matter, so we no longer financially support these businesses. Never get fooled again.

Sure it's tempting to take advantage of an incredibly low-priced, genuine 'looking' designer handbag like Prada. If you cannot afford to by brand new from a Prada flagship store, and you are searching for a preloved item that is 100% the real deal, equip yourself knowledge. Here you will be able to learn to tell the very subtle differences between the real genuine article and a really good, or sometimes terrible fake. It could ultimately save you thousands of dollars and lots of heartache. Look out for a white dust bag to house your new addition in. This will be white and has a soft felt like feel.

The front of the bag will have a black Prada logo on it and it will have a drawstring closure. The tag inside the bag itself should be labeled with 'Prada' and will also state 100% Cotton, and Made In Italy. Be aware that older style dust bags were navy blue with Prada printed in gold. If someone tries to sell you a brand new handbag with a dust bag of this description then it is fake. If the dustbag looks different to any of the above descriptions, or is not present with a new bag, the bag is not genuine.

Remember though if the bag is preloved, the cards and dust bag may not have been kept by the original owner. You can try asking for a receipt too. A signature identifier of a Prada handbag is its triangle logo. This is usually placed in the middle of a bag in the front or on the side. Pay close attention to the placement and spacing of the letters of the word Prada. They will always be evenly spaced on a genuine article, and if the logo is a plaque it will be engraved, not printed on. Furthermore, the letter R in the word Prada will have its right leg curved a little.

If it is a straight R is will be fake. If it has a little curve on the R just before it meets with the letter A, then it is authentic. There will always be a plaque on the inside of the bag, attached to the lining. It will always state 'Prada Made in Italy' and it will be metal.

It will be firmly attached to the lining on all sides. It will have 4 round corners. There will be a piece backing material underneath the plaque which you will be able to feel.


The wording will be raised. The color will match or be very close to the color of the lining A plastic or fabric tag is a sign of a fake Prada. Also, it the tag says anything other than the phrase mentioned above, it is fake. As always, the best way to ensure you are buying a genuine Prada product is to purchase it from a genuine flagship store, or a department store.

And buy brand new. If you are looking for a preloved product and you are buying online try to follow the above-mentioned guide to ensure you are not buying a fake. There is no doubt that Prada handbags are popular because they are made from quality materials and carry quality features. Authenticity card, stitching quality, logos, matching colors throughout, engraved Prada name with a curved R and overall quality materials are all good signs that your product is genuine. Remember also that if the bag is being advertised as new and has a ridiculously low price, ask a lot of questions before even considering buying this. No one, no matter who they are will 'give away' a genuine Prada bag for peanuts. If you prefer to feel and inspect a Prada item before buying, scour local opp shops, or thrift shops.

Some ladies who are fortunate enough to afford these kinds of designer bags often like to regularly donate their items as they buy new ones so you may just spot the bargain of the century in your local donation shop today. It will have more chance of being genuine than the stand at the local market that has a sign up advertising '50 brand new Prada bags all for $20'. All Hubs are Original Material by ' ©.

I bought an 80's nylon quilted bag in a thrift shop in our country so it doest have the authenticity card and all the cards that should go with the the letter R of the prada don't have curve,and no serial nos.also.My bag have excellent stitching,excellent hardwares and zippers but the zippers don't have name except the letter T and 1 on has a horizontal lining with prada all over with the S or 8 things too. But ive search around and i saw a bag just like mine and someone said its real despite.The comment said its like that because it is vintage and prada back then is not consistent with their fonts so the newer items this days bore serial nos.

To combat counterfeiters.What do you think? Well the one comment of quality leather is accurate, as for the authenticity card I couldn't say. I was in my prada store looking at everything, from bags, shoes, belts, wallets, etc. Also had a lengthy conversation with 2 SA's. The bags, shoes, and wallets had NO serial numbers.

Also it was explained that only some items remained made in italy. Other countries of manufacturer were explained was Romania, Spain, and even China. Also examination of these items, including Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton as well all seemed imperfect. The stitching was NOT perfect on most. It was explained that anything handmade will have flaws in leather and stitch. Just a little FYI from someone who shops, handles, and has good relationships with all these brand in my city.

Too much misleading info is floating around these types of items and its just silly. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details Necessary HubPages Device ID This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Google Recaptcha This is used to prevent bots and spam.


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