Resident Evil 2 Platinum Pc Iso Torrents
Installation method: 1. Download the alternative installer + crack no cd here: 2. Use this program to mount ISOs: 3. Download and install the 'DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer ' for 'Peixoto's Patch'. Link download: 4. Download this patch to execute in the proper way RE2: 5.

Extract the content of 'RE2 Platinum PC - PatchNoCD and alternative' on desktop. Install RE2 through the alternative installer (called 'Installer RE2 with patch 1.04.exe'). Both Cds or iso must be mounted on the same drive letter. After the installation, extract all the files from CDs or iso of RE2 and transfer them in the main directory (It's C: Games ResidentEvil2).
Copy and paste the patches (called 'crkLeonU.exe' and 'crkClaireU.exe') into the main of directory and apply'em to remove CD-check. Double-click on 'RE2NoCD.reg' to do all the modifications in regedit about RE2. In the end, follow the instrucions written on 'Help.exe' inside '': 11. Note: Don't click on '.bat' files. If you wanna run RE2 Platinum in windowed, it's necessary to execute your media player in background through an audio file (or also with a video file) every time and then going to change some values in 'Resident Evil 2 - Claire.ini' and 'Resident Evil 2 - Leon.ini' inside the folder 'Peixoto Scripts'. Open the '.ini' files using notepad and modify the following values: - 'HD=True' to 'HD=False'. 'HD=1' to 'HD=0'.

Resident Evil 2 Platinum Mods
'32bit=True' to '32bit=Flase'.